"Why do the gas fumes smell so weird?"
"Oh, they use jet fuel to make the old bikes go faster!"
The Malle Mile race in Margate was something to behold, and honestly a new experience for me. Coming from a relatively lawless country, or least one that plays lawless on television, I often find myself having the expectation of most other countries being buttoned down, polite, if not uptight. A bunch of drop-outs, petrol heads, and probably more than a few brilliant backyard engineers putting their lives on the line by holding a bent wrist as long as the they dare, well, it wasn't something I was expecting. I suppose things that go against expectations, that surprise you, they're even more fun.

Thanks again to Petor (@dear_susan_) for the invite and enabling my film-addiction.
Shot on Ilford HP5, developed by Cameralisatie