Rotterdam Backroads

Rotterdam Backroads

Backroads, or B-Roads are often roads just off the beaten path. These are roads that house whole villages, that when a new highway is built just parallel, the whole village dries up due to all the traffic going around, instead of through the village. Backroads are where cyclists can thrive. Ride in the middle of the road, three abreast, try to learn how to wheelie… Granted, it’s probably wise to check for cars behind you every once in a while, it is the Netherlands after all.


This first route is part of a series of routes we here at the Paralel HQ Route Development Agency (PRDA) have been playing around with for a while. Many of you will already know the areas where this routes go through, but hopefully you will take the time to follow the route to the letter, as most of these routes will take you to well-known cycling hotspots, but then parallel to the roads you know so well… on, you could say, that backroads.

Backroads are not necessarily unmaintained, gravel, or of otherwise “poorer” quality. This is especially the case when you live in Zuid Holland, with a budget for road maintenance higher than some countries GDP. But nonetheless, one or two of these roads will fall into disrepair, or be stripped back to gravel for cost reasons, so come prepared. Bring big(ger) tires, a Dynaplug or two, and maybe and innertube for good luck.

Grab the route here.


Heads up! This route is potentially dangerous, just like all cycling… but who are we kidding, not cycling is also dangerous. But in any case, Parallel accepts no responsibility for crashes, damage, or any other liability while riding the route.